NU Tour Programs at CAM

 Group tour admission for Niagara University faculty, staff, and students is free with all tour bookings made by submitting a NU Group Tour Request.  Group tours offered by the CAM must be requested two weeks before your anticipated visit and three weeks if requesting a custom tour. For tour customizations outside the CAM’S regular tours, please make your request known and we will try to accommodate a tour experience for your group at least three weeks in advance to your anticipated visit. This includes artwork that may need to be pulled from the vault if it is not currently on display in the museum that will be used. Our collection is accessible online.   

Please prepare the following information:

  • Tour Date/Day:   
  • Time: 
  • Organization/Academic Department:  
  • Number of Participants:  
  • Contact Name and Email:  
  • Phone:  
  • Description of educational needs, the context of the tour, or the need for special equipment  

Please see our Niagara University Group Tour Policies for more information. 

NU Tour Hours

NU Group Tour hours are open for requests between 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. with accommodations available outside of our public hours. The first tour can be booked at 9:00 a.m. and the last booked at 4:00 p.m. Guided tours are subject to staff and docent availability.

Booking Confirmation

Please note that your tour is formally booked once you’ve received a Group Tour Confirmation and Invoice from the CAM. Although your tour may be free, the Group Tour Confirmation and Invoice will reflect your booking with CAM. Please notify the CAM at least two days before your scheduled visit if minor modifications are required. We value the time our docents and staff dedicate to providing their expertise to your group and make this request for their consideration.

NU Tour Programs Request Form